Sunday, 1 January 2012

It's the New Year - Now what?

St Barth's 2O11 New Years - Photo courtesy of:'s 2O12.....and now what? Now come the resolutions.....

Everyone is reviewing their lists of resolutions - resigning themselves to give something up for the greater good...albeit reluctantly.

As I do ever holiday season- I question the renewed desire for change around the holidays only. Once again we need a special day to give us reason to change or be thankful or reach out and contact people that have drifted from our lives. It's a funny human trait. A 'human condition' per say. I'm not saying it's a trait that needs to be changed - I'm just pointing out that it may be slightly flawed. This time of year is often punctuated with sentiments such as: 'Remember the time...?' ; 'I should have...' ; 'Maybe next year...'; etc., etc.....

Everyday should be reason enough to take on a new hobby, learn a new trick or two, pick up a book that u've been wanting to read....It's easy enough to preach but not so easy to practice. :-D Hey - I'm JUST as guilty as anyone else. I'm not saying to toss aside any and all attempts at change - I may just be suggesting make plans with a grain of salt in the back of your mind and a readily available dose of humor to accompany any hardship encountered.

I managed to stop smoking - 2 months and counting - yet I didn't wait for the holidays to do it. lol Still - we'll see how long it lasts. It's not a resignation to failure - but perhaps just a small does of rational or reality. So many resolutions are doomed! Yet still, we plod onwards - ever hopeful for success...yet another human trait - DEFINITELY flawed, but also admirable. Many would argue the age old adage - The definition of insanity is is repeating the same action over and over again expecting a different result. Yet - we're ever game to try and try again, ever hopeful for a different result. So, this year I raise a toast to the Human Condition and 2O12.

Resolutions are popular because everyone feels they could use a little improvement.
Marilu Henner

Dieting on New Year's Day isn't a good idea as you can't eat rationally but really need to be free to consume whatever is necessary, moment by moment, in order to ease your hangover. I think it would be much more sensible if resolutions began generally on January the second.
Helen Fielding

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