Thursday, 9 December 2010

What ever happened to Manners? SXM Sint Maarten

I am trying to ask this politely as, lately, I’m seeing less and less manners and common courtesy on our little rock. I recently went to the movie and was sorely reminded as to why I don’t go that often. People have gotten so rude and discourteous. I had the distinct displeasure of having 2 young women (I refuse to call them ladies) sit directly behind me and began chatting throughout the entire movie. Added insult was the constant kicking to the back of my chair. Now, I realize it’s only $6 to go to the movies, but what gave these women the impression that their $6 was more important than mine? They were asked, rather patiently, by other patrons to stop talking. After the 3rd request, one woman’s cell phone began ringing. Seriously? After enduring about 2 minutes of the phone conversation, I then lost my patients and told her to shut up. I received as response a loud teeth suck. Wonderful. Such charm. There is no such thing as a ‘good’ movie experience on this island.  Another couple, sitting in my row was just as annoying, as the young woman kept constantly complaining as to how cold it was in the movie. True, it was cold, but does a constant stream of complaints change the situation? Either get up and alert the Cinema staff or close your mouth. Besides the incessant giggling of the 2 woman and the complaining woman, add into the mix the unsupervised children rampaging about the theater. Again: SERIOUSLY? Where are their parents? Could the parents be watching the G rated movie while their kids are wandering through R rated movies? Again, is my money not worth as much as their money? Do I not have the same rights to get what I paid for? I did not pay to attend a daycare. If you can’t get a sitter for your kids, don’t go out. It’s rather simple. Children require making sacrifices, but not at other people’s expense. And where were the staff of the cinema? Shouldn’t the doors of the theaters be monitored? As for the ‘adults’ in the movies: respect the others around. Everyone paid to see a movie and enjoy themselves. Who are you to ruin someone else’s experience? Who are you to believe you are more important, that your money is worth more. If you can’t keep you mouth shut and your phone off, rent a DVD.

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